Sunday, 9 August 2015

You can't?

Of course you can't!
Can't love me the way i need to be loved.
Can't be the man i fell in love with...
Can't do all the little things that make me feel good about myself..
Can't see how your words and actions hurt so cruelly...
Can't send the odd text just to let me know I'm in your thoughts..
Can't kiss me other than the daily morning and evening peck..
Can't roll over in bed and touch me....
Can't hold me and say it'll all be alright...
Can't have a conversation and ignore your phone...
Can't get by an evening without at least two hours browsing on your phone..
Can't sit next to me..
Can't pay me a compliment...
Can't have a car journey without either criticising my driving or every other fucker on the road....

But it's not really that you can't is it?
Its just that you can't be arsed.
Simple fact is we are just not worth your time and effort.
Just not important or a priority in your life enough for you to put your shit down and look the fuck up and smell the coffee..

Too late.

This bitch has ceased making your coffee.

You're on ya own!
