Friday, 21 July 2023

 Like a teenager

That's how you have me..

Shy, lost for words


So much laughter

I think of your words..

Your over use of emojis lol

And I can't help myself

That grin is back..

It lights up my whole face

And yet I know there is a serious side to you

One I want to explore

Where the softness dissipates to vulnerability

That's where I want to get to

I want to know the inside out of you

Where you go when your mind drifts

What thoughts light up your eyes

What dreams you have yet to achieve 

What pain you have overcome 

And where you hide it now

I wanna see you

And be seen

Thursday, 20 July 2023


What have you done?

That cheeky smile

I couldn't swipe past

That inviting grin


And look where you are!

Miles from me

But oh that smile

It reaches your eyes too..

Kind, deep soulful eyes

What have they seen?

And his words, 

Not just notes...

But conversations..

As if we were in the same room



And honest

God so honest...

I am drawn in

Distance seems irrelevant somehow

When chatter moves so freely

His passion for life

His work

Love of family

All things i hold dear to me 

I wait

For what seems like an age for each revelation and nuance of his life

He intrigues me

Excites me

Paints pictures of landscapes in my head that i want to touch


And share


What have you done?